Wednesday, February 2, 2011

"Curiousity Killed In Cairo"...What's going on?

Shifting from the label of "Million Man March" to the "March of Millions", from starting as a peaceful protest of the government regime, protesters including women and children, to a mob of armed thugs hailing molotov cocktails, the events unfolding in Egypt have attracted the attention of the world. Political upheaval in this region from a western point of view is synonymous with the Middle-East. However, the timing of these events along with a few other questions need to be addressed.

Everything is not always how it seems. The term Million Man March (MMM) was first used by the Hon. Louis Farrakhan to unite the men of an entire country and create awareness of the social injustice perpetrated by that very same government. The (MMM) was a planned event: regional event coordination, commercial transportation and even port-a-pot permits were obtained before the launch of this peaceful event. There are two major points to take away from the comparison of the 'Egypt Uprising' to the (MMM).
- The anti-Mubarak protesters where orderly and non-violent, with entire families participating in the march. The anti-Mubarak side also chose to label the protest as the Egyptian Million Man March indicating their intent on maintaining a peaceful protest. While violence has erupted due to clashes of the pro-Mubarak; anti-Mubarak crowds it seems as if the term Million Man March swiftly shifted to chants of 'Revolution'
- The global impact of the Million Man March has become both a fascinating and historical event to have been a part of. Min. Farrakhan had a vision, that by gathering a million peoples all on one accord with the same focus would create an undeniable force that could sway even the greatest of countries. This ideology has since been used, but not attributed properly.

When the violence erupted, the reports indicated that the pro-Mubarak protesters were targeting journalist and reporters. Why? The first move in staying covert is to stay off the camera. Removing all journalist and film crews off the scene should raise a red flag that these 'attacks' are possibly planned.

The Egyptian Army has sent extra armed personnel to the Suez canal. If this was supposed to be a peaceful protest why were the orders given before the 'march' began? Research the fall of Iran in 1979 you might find some similarities that will raise eyebrows and maybe the very  hair on your arms. Things that make you humm... for the last thirty years the U.S has provided at least one- billion dollars a year in aide to Mubarak led Egyptian government yet had no idea this could happen.

In 2001 the Muslim Brotherhood was to be "feared by all" and now to be accepted with open arms as the anti-Mubarak, El Baradei leads the charge in Cairo after flying from Vienna. Why is now the time for the 'brotherhood' to take charge. Anyone with an anti-Israel position is someone to keep an eye on.

Christians though horribly persecuted in Egypt are urged to keep this region and our world in prayer. Change is swiftly approaching and life as known will dramatically change.