Saturday, September 17, 2011

US Day of Rage Starts Sept. 17, 2011 - Total Media Blackout

Today marks the beginning of the Day of Rage for the United States. What has often began as peaceful protest of corporate greed and political corruption often ends up with military personnel killing protesters and a massively violent campaign to restore order.

Could this all be coincidence? Skeptics beware and look at the facts:
-September 26-28 comet ELEnin will be pass between the Earth and the Sun - alignments of ELEnin with orbital pattern have proven to be precursors to massive earthquakes.
-September 26-28 the USA will be at DEFCON 1 for upcoming surprise drills. During this drill the the country is under mandatory FED control and all top officials including the president will be in Denver.
-Every other Day of Rage has ended or is ongoing violently and took several days to become such Interesting enough the creators of this protest are directly tied to ACORN and the SEIU..big supporters of Obama.

Monday, September 5, 2011

9/11 Anniversary False Flag Preparations Underway

It's almost impossible to believe it has been 10 years since the horrific events took place in America. Fearmongering is something the MSM loves, but this time they may be warning you, oh don't you always love how they tell you the basic instructions of the weapon they don't want anyone to use?

The best way to counter the hate is with love through Jesus the Christ!!!!!